Hi Folks, we are glad to announce that the CTF game powered by Avatao is closed and we have the winners who can enter #Hacktivity2019 for free!
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Hi Folks, We are glad to announce, that our partner in crime, Avatao has developed another great CAPTURE THE FLAG GAME for #Hacktivity2019. Participants with the best 3 results will WIN A FREE TICKET for the conference, and we also distribute one ticket among the contestants.
Hi Folks, #Hacktivity2019 is coming in 45 days and we would like to highlight some major program elements of the conference for you.
Hi Folks, as you might already know it, we provide 3 DAYS LONG COMPREHENSIVE TRAINING SESSIONS right before #Hacktivity2019 IT Security Festival. We are bringing the best trainers to create an opportunity for IT-professionals to deepen their knowledge and develop their skills.
Hi Folks, we are thrilled to announce the official program of #Hacktivity2019! Just like last year, we have received tons of excellent papers and the Program Committee had a hard time selecting the best of them. This time we’ll have 46 speakers from 16 countries so the international atmosphere and the professional content is guaranteed.
Hi Folks, we are excited to launch the CALL FOR IDEAS for #Hacktivity2019! This year we are offering free entry to people who are willing to share their knowledge/techniques/tools with the IT security community.
Hi Folks, we are thrilled to announce the keynote speakers for #Hacktivity2019 and some of the presentations/workshop sessions for the conference as well!
Hi Folks, we are happy to inform you that the first 3 sessions of #Hacktivity2019 Training has been published and we also launched the EARLY BIRD ticket purchasing period for them.
After the successful first Hacktivity badge in 2018, organizers of the conference have reached huge step forward: thanks to the Cyber Risk Services team of Deloitte Hungary, EVERY TICKET BUYER will receive a cool electronic hardware-hacking badge!