Jose Garduño
Short biography:
José Garduño is a senior security consultant at Dreamlab Technologies since 2014, where he usually takes part in security audits, pentesting, and red teaming engagements. He has participated as a speaker in several technical conferences like Hackito Ergo Sum (France), Swiss Cybersecurity days (Switzerland), DSS ITSEC (Latvia), 8.8 Security Conference (Chile, Bolivia), OWASP Patagonia (Argentina), Congreso Seguridad en Computo UNAM (Mexico), DragonJar Security Conference (Colombia), where he has presented his work on privacy attacks on Latin-America (The government as your hacking partner), Hacking with open hardware platforms (revisiting hardware keyloggers, say hi to Mikey: an offensive hardware keylogger) and C2 detection (RATSPOTTING: Analysis of popular Remote Administration Tools & discovery of C2 servers on the wild).