At the venue of #Hacktivity2021 there will be a place called HackCenter which is going to be the heaven for hackers who want to solve some exciting challenges, share their thoughts with each other, looking for a solution to a specified problem, or just have questions in a certain topic.
There will be also 5-10 minutes long lightning talks where hackers can present their ideas or try their presentation skills. Do you have a topic or an idea that’s not fully developed? Bring it in and we’ll help you work it out! Maybe you can finalize and present it at the next BSidesBUD conference in May 2022. 😉
Stay tuned for more information!
If you like CTF games, you will have the opportunity to try your skills at the conference as well! Visit the HackCenter and take part of the CTF challenges created by SecureITeam and the Hackerspace squad of Budapest and Szeged! As always, teams will compete for the two days, but instead of awarding the first team, there will be another challenge at the end of the second day. The first and second team can take part in the SPEED HACKING COMPETITION. (The whole teams can participate but only one team member can sit in front of the computer.) Three medium difficulty challenges have to be solved in less than 90 minutes to win the CTF. What makes this interesting that players have to log in to a jumpbox (Kali Linux), and the screen of these jumpboxes will be displayed on a projector. Conference attendees will be able to follow how the best players play CTF in real-time. To make things even more interesting, two commentators will spice up the competition.
Key takeaways of SPEED HACKING:
- CTF players can show who is the king of the hill.
- Conference attendees can learn from the best.