Conference: October 8-10, 2020
CFP closing date: August 15, 2020
CFP notification to authors: August 20, 2020
Conference is streamed wolrdwide in 2020
Email: cfp _!{at}!_ hacktivity.com
CFP application form: https://forms.gle/3AJq2gWFs4V8D2rR7
The Hacktivity Crew
The Hacktivity hacking conference brings together the official and alternative representatives of information security profession with all those interested in the area, in an informal, yet educational, and most of the times highly technical.
Call For Contributions/Speakers
As usual we are offering two alternatives: you can either give a presentation as usual or you can give a workshop.
In 2020 Hacktivity will be organized ONLINE
We are happy to announce that despite the COVID-19 coronavirus #Hacktivity2020 is still going to happen! As you all know, we are facing difficult times and due to the uncertain international situation, we have made a decision to move #Hacktivity2020 into the virtual space. Safety of our audience and speakers is the top priority for us and as everybody knows, Hacktivity is a truly international event. Last year we had visitors from 24 countries and 90% of our speakers are usually coming from abroad. We insist on keeping the international atmosphere of Hacktivity because we believe that it is one of the biggest benefits of our conference. And how can you organize a cross-border IT security festival during a pandemic? Make it online!
This year, we cannot risk to make it as a usual personal conference, but we believe that the virtual version will be just as exciting and informative. This is the wise decision to make right now. We hope that you understand it and see you among our speakers this year!
Speaker benefits
Regarding the benefits, as we cannot provide travel costs, or accommodation and the opportunity to visit Budapest this year, we wanted to compensate our speakers for their effort that can help Hacktivity survive and to be able to organize a usual, personal conference in 2021.
For every speaker chosen by the program committee, we will provide a ticket to our 3 days long online event, access to our Discord channel where they can build their networks and communicate with the audience, and last but not least a 100 $ Amazon gift card. What we ask from them is to record their presentations and send them to us at least 4 weeks before the conference, and be available on the day of Hacktivity2020 so we can make a live Q&A session with them right after their presentation has been streamed.
This is the business as usual. We require a similar thing as in any other IT security conference CFP. We are accepting presentations from a wide spectrum of IT security topics. It is up to you to apply for a presentation which is in line with the spirit of Hacktivity. We favour presentations with a demo.
Please write your slide deck in English. Your speech can be in English (favoured) or Hungarian.
As a speaker, you can have either a 20 minutes or a 40 minutes slot to present your topic.

Comprehensive workshop sessions
We all know there is a huge difference between seeing and doing. Real knowledge grows from issuing your first command. Therefore, to help visitors start off learning we organize workshops. Comprehensive workshops are 2 hours long courses introducing basic/intermediate IT security skills. Previous years included topics like:
- Burp Extensions
- Malicious PDF analysis
- Basic rootkit techniques
- SQL injections
A comprehensive workshop should meet the following requirements:
- participants should acquire a definite and useful piece of knowledge;
- participants bring their own equipment you should calculate with the diversity;
- a workshop will not have more than 25 attendees;
- it should fit into 60 plus 60 minutes (seeing plus doing) from preparation to takeaways.
- one workshop will be held max. 2 times during the 3 days
- in 2020 workshop sessions will be held via Zoom with a maximum of 30 registered participants
Here are some topics that we are especially interested in:
- Vulnerabilities at unexpected territories
- Exploit mitigations and their mitigations
- Malware analysis inside or outside the sandbox
- Blue Team techniques / operation
- Big Data / Cloud / APT / any_fancy_buzzword What’s the big deal? Are there any / What are the new threats?
- Extraordinary stories of #FAIL
- Any research which brings something brand new to the security world
These are just examples though, please feel free to submit your talk as long as it fits to the spirit of Hacktivity.

How to apply as a speaker?
Please fill out our CFP application form: https://forms.gle/3AJq2gWFs4V8D2rR7
In case the Program Committee accepts your submission, we will get in touch with you to get the Speaker Agreement signed and to finalize every detail of your presentation.
As a speaker or workshop presenter you should accept the following use of your intellectual properties:
Presentations will be recorded and made available on our website.
Presentations and workshop materials will be available on the conference web page after the event in pdf form.
We are not going to use your materials in any other form mentioned above without your prior consent.
Someone you would like to see present? Let us know!
If you are not decided yet on the subject you’d like to present, but know someone who is likely to accept speaking at the event, write to us at
cfp _!{at}!_ hacktivity.com
including that person’s contact info, and we’ll do our best to reach out for him/her!